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Resuming In Person Meetings

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and those with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable.

Many people have expressed a strong desire to resume in person services and have asked when we think that will happen.  We are pleased to announce that, on June 14th, we will be resuming in person services at First Assembly.  In addition we will continue to livestream our services on Facebook and Youtube, and we will broadcast our services via a short-range FM transmitter that will cover our parking lot.  This way everyone can return to in person services when they feel comfortable doing so.

Now we know that there will naturally be questions about how we will do this as safely as possible.   No one can promise that you will be safe 100% of the time when you step outside your door.  However, here are some of the precautions we are taking.


  • Sickness: If you are sick or if you have recently been tested for Covid-19 and are awaiting the results, please enjoy our services either online or by FM radio from our parking lot.

  • At risk: Please continue to feel welcome to attend online or by drive-up.  We encourage you not to return to in person services until you are comfortable doing so.

  • Doors will open 15 minutes prior to service(see below for children’s ministry info.).

  • We are endeavoring to make the building as low/no an environment as possible.

    • When you arrive someone will hold the door for you.

    • There will be no bulletins right now.

    • Inside you will find an offering box on the wall that you can drop your tithes and offering in.

    • Seating will be staggered with pews left empty to allow for physical distancing.  Only families that live together should sit together.

    • We are asking that once in the sanctuary, that you please limit your movements and avoid hugging and handshakes.

  • Face Coverings

    • CDC guidelines for churches say, “face coverings are most essential when social distancing is difficult.”

    • Therefore, we recommend wearing a face covering.

  • No Coffee or food will be made available.  The couches & chairs in the Fellowship Hall will remain put away for a while.

  • After services, we discourage gathering for extended periods of time inside the building.  Instead, if you desire to fellowship, please use the outside of the building. 

Resuming Children’s Ministries

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them.” Matt. 19:14

In the midst of the difficulties presented by COVID-19 children’s ministries present some unique challenges.

An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, senior citizens and those with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. By sending your child/youth to ministry events at First Assembly or by sending them on one of the First Assembly busses, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

No one can promise that you or your children will be 100% safe every time you step outside your front door. However, here are some of the precautions we are taking for children’s ministry.

Safety Precautions

  • Cleaning & Disinfecting

    • Children’s areas will be cleaned and disinfected prior to use.

    • Hand sanitizer dispensers have been installed in all the children’s areas and children will be encouraged to use them upon entering and exiting the classrooms.

  • Sickness:

    • If a children’s worker is sick or showing symptoms of COVID-19 we are requiring that they stay home and not engage in children’s ministry

    • If a child is sick or showing symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that they be kept home until the illness has run its course

  • Distancing:

    • The elementary and pre-school children’s church will take place for the entire service. Drop off your children in their area before service and pick them up following the service.

    • The junior high group (Ignite) will meet in a designated area of the sanctuary near their exit for worship and will proceed to their class during announcements.  After services children should stay with their parents/guardians.

    • Social distancing will be maintained as much as possible.  Attempts will be made to maintain social distancing in seating and in other activities.

    • However, it will not likely be possible to keep children or teachers six feet from each other 100% of the time.

  • Face Coverings:

    • CDC guidelines for churches say, “face coverings are most essential when social distancing is difficult.”

    • Therefore, teachers will wear a face covering when social distancing is not possible.

  • Bussing:

    • Children (and adults) who ride on one of our busses must put on a face covering before getting on the bus and must wear the face covering for the entirety of the trip.

    • Bus drivers must also wear a face covering for the entirety of the trip

  • When possible (Wednesdays for example) we will meet outside for children’s ministry activities

Nursery: Special Protocols

  • Children’s hands will be disinfected when the arrive and when they leave.

  • Toys are disinfected every week.

  • The changing table is disinfected after each use.

  • Snacks will be distributed using individual packs rather than from a common source.

  • Nursery workers will wear a face covering.